Overcoming Pride and False Humility

No one wants to admit that they struggle with pride. And though it might take on different forms for different people, everyone struggles with it. When I first started leading, I was so worried about being perceived as prideful. (Talk about a not-fun way to lead!) From the songs I did to the way I sang, everything caused me to question how people saw me. It even took me forever to actually lead my own original songs in a set because I didn’t want people to think I was prideful.I spent so much time thinking about….me.

In my desperate attempt to be humble, I was actually walking in false humility (pride). This, in my experience, is the main hindrance to walking out the fullness of your calling. Most people aren’t prideful in an over-the-top, arrogant way. Instead, they are the opposite: afraid to embrace the fullness of who God made them to be because of a fear of being perceived as prideful. You can see it in how people respond to a compliment. The next time someone says to you, “Great worship set,” instead of making a comment about “The Lord” or something spiritual, receive it with a simple “Thank you.”

Pride is stifling because it’s resisting who God says you are and refusing to walk in what He’s prepared for you to do. The Lord made each of us with a unique gifting, talent, songs, and voice, even down to the way we move (or don't move) when leading worship. Don’t apologize for it. Of course there’s a separate conversation we can have about tact and wisdom. But don’t apologize for who God made you to be.

So how do you overcome pride and false humility?

1. Keep the main thing the main thing.

Pursue relationship with Jesus above everything. Above trying to sound good, look good, or please people, friendship with Him must be our first priority.

2. Invite the Holy Spirit to help.

You can’t just wish your false humility away. You need to invite Him into the battle. You don't need to try and do what only the Holy Spirit can do--you were never meant to fight your battles alone. The fruits of the Spirit are the complete opposite of pride. As you talk to the Holy Spirit about this, you will see fruit as He helps you win each battle.

Don’t go on a campaign to find all your pride or false humility. Ask God. Ask Him for His perfect timing and way to reveal any areas of pride. He will. He’s a kind, gentle, loving Father, not a taskmaster who’s disappointed in you because you’re still on the journey. He will speak to you. Just simply listen and respond.

Question: How can you overcome pride in your life and on your team?

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